Archive created by -=MIRSOFT=- Look for game MIDs at *** Archive info *** Archiver: Mirsoft Type: Converted Format: MID (GM) Original Composer: Dave Lowe, Johann Strauss, Richard Wagner, Mussorgsky, Greig Sequencer: Dave Lowe, George Hooper, Mirsoft Num of tunes: 17 Complete: 100% *** Game info *** Name: Frontier First Encounters Platform: PC Year: 1995 Genre: Mix Publisher: Gametek Developer: Gametek *** Additional info *** Half of the tunes in game was used from game "Frontier - Elite 2", which was predecessor of Frontier: First Encounters. That game had only MT32 music and these tracks were adapted for the other Midi cards very badly. I tried the original FFE game at various Midi cards, from General Midi to AWE32, and all sounded wrong more or less. Fortunately, George Hopper re-arranged the Midi tracks a bit, and released them at his great FFE site: I included these in the archive and made also some changes to the tunes by myself, to avoid endless snares and weird samples in some songs (especially the Elite 2 ones). The result is what you can see here - it sure sounds better than original tunes, but it's still not the right cake sometimes. I included original HMPs from the game for comparison. Btw., for Elite 2 tunes (tracks 10-17), you should probably try the Frontier - Elite 2.ZIP archive; they are converted from Roland MT32 to General Midi using MT2GM tool and some sound better imho.