--- reverb settings --- If you want to have a go and having fun with reverb settings, get PSF-o-Cycle, on neills page, and open top.psflib with it. rtype of 0 results in default rtype being used, and rdepth of 0 results in default rdempth being used. The same holds true for SeqVol. The default reverb values are the correct ones. They are: rtype=4 rdepth=72 here are the Reverb type definitions. 0 = Off 1 = Room 2 = Studio A 3 = Studia B 4 = Studio C 5 = Hall 6 = Space 9 = Pipe. Do not use reverbs types 7 (echo) and 8 (delay). these require additional parameters not currently implemented in the DRIVER_INFO_BLOCK:.