

The audiomixer is the main mixing unit. Here you can mix the audio datafrom the instruments and the samples
together with effects. The instruments/samples can be freely assigned to any of the Audio-Out channels.
This approach is different from other software but its common for hardware samplers/synthesizers.
Each Audio-Out channel can route the signal through 4 insert effects.
That means the audio signal which arrives at the channel is completely passed through the effects.
The mixer knows two different channel types.

Audio-Out Channel
You can route any sample/instrument-out to one of the Audio-Out channels. The maximum number of
Audio-Out channels is 12.
An Audio-Out channel holds 4 Insert Effects.

The master channel combines audio signals from all channels.
For mastering issues it contains up to 4 Effects. Usefull for compressor, equalizer, etc…
For panning issues you are only allowed to insert plugins which support stereo processing.


Add/Remove Audio-Out Channel

Select "Remove Outport" or "Add Outport" from the main menu "Song->…"
If you select " Remove Outport " the audio-out channel with the highest number will be deleted.
For adding a new out port you can choose the "Add Outport" option.


Effect Selection

Just right click the mouse over a effect slot.


Then a context menu for the selection should pop up.


You can choose effects out of three categorys (Direct-X Plugins, Vst-Plugins
If you want to remove an effect just select "Clear".
To view the effect dialog just double-click on the slot.


If the VST-Plugin has no own gui sequential vibes will display this dialog.
To change a parameter just select it with the mouse.
To adjust the values use
keyboard keys up/down or the mouse wheel.

You can change presets or load a bank or preset for the current effect.
The bank/preset file format is the same which cubase uses.
So you are able to export/import patches between various programs.