Upgrades in the 1999-01-09 release * Fixed copy/paste procedure (clears clipboard now (forgot that :), pastes at position). * Fixed LFO settings (saves changes to song (old files still work though :), resets properly). * Ask On Exit setting if you want to be asked if your work should be saved. * Cmnt-column changed to Row instead * Some smaller changes made to the UI. * Added some fancy stuff (like splashscreen and aboutbox). * Added sample patterns * New Join files in song feature that puts the song and all its sf2's in a new dir ready to zip with your favourite zipper! * Added view readme to the new Help menu. * Fixed installation bug. * Changed default octave. Upgrades in the 1999-05-15 release * Fixed proper Note-kill, it works better now. * Made some UI changes again. * Updated the readme a bit. * Added new Example song with an sf2. * Added some more patterns.