[Pixel Cave v1.0. Demo version] by Alex Zolotov (nightradio@gmail.com) [Description] Thrilling game about explorer that fly through the cave. Cool graphics, video effects and music. Supported operating systems: Windows, Linux, PalmOS, Windows Mobile. [Control keys] Press UP or SPACE key for upward acceleration. [How to run?] This game uses Pixilang - it's powerfull and small programming language for beautiful multimedia applications. Pixilang can work on Windows, Linux, PalmOS, Windows Mobile and other operating systems. So just follow these steps: 1) Download Pixilang from this page: http://www.warmplace.ru/soft/pixilang/ 2) Copy Pixilang to your device (pocket computer or big PC). 3) Copy this game (all files from folder pixel_cave) to your device. 4) Run Pixilang on your device. 5) You will see a dialog for file selection. It's good :) 4) Select file pixel_cave.txt. 5) Click OK button. 6) Enjoy it :) [Where to get full version of this game?] Please, go to the www.warmplace.ru/games/