ÖÂÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ· ºù³ Fast Module Extractor 2.1 ³ùº ÓÁÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÁ½ Fast Module Extractor is a program that extracts digital music modules and graphics out of demo's, intro's, etc. This program is freeware and may be freely copied. So spread this! Ú Fast Module Extractor offers you: ¿ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ þ supports wildcards at the commandline þ Supports the following module formats: * 669 ComposD and Unis669 Modules (669) * 1..32 Channel Fast/TakeTracker Modules (MOD) * FastTracker 2.0 Extended Modules (XM) * ScreamTracker 2.x Modules (STM) ...buggy... * ScreamTracker 3.0 Modules (S3M) * MultiTracker Modules (MTM) * DMP Internal Modules (AMF)ø * Farandole Composer Modules (FAR)ø * UltraTracker Modules (ULT)ø * DigiTrakker Modules (MDL) * PolyTracker v2.03 Modules (PTM) * Delusion Modules (DMF) * SB Studio II (PAC) * Extreme Tracker Modules (AMS)ø * MikMod UniMOD Modules (UNI)ø * Bells, Whistles and Sound Boards GDM Modules (GDM)ø * Digital Sound Interface Kit Modules (DSM) * Protracker Studio 16 Module (PSM) * Cubic Player MXM Module (MXM)ø * FunkTracker Module (FNK) þ Supports the following sample formats: * Sun Audio file (AU) * Windows wave file (WAV) * Emu SoundFont file (SBK) * Audio IFF file (AIF) * 8-bit SVX file (8SX) * Creative Voice File (VOC) þ Supports the following MIDI file formats: * Standard MIDI Files (MID) * XMI MIDI Files (XMI) * Human Machine Interfaces MIDI Files (HMP) * iD Software MIDI Files (MUS) * Creative Music Files (CMF) * Reality Adlib Tracker Files (RAD) * Surprise Adlib Tracker Files version 1 to 9 (SAT/SA2) * Vibrants EdLib Files (D00) þ Supports the following graphics formats: * De Luxe Paint bitmap (LBM) * ColoRIX Image (SCX) * CompuServe bitmap (GIF)ø * JPEG bitmap (JPG)ø * PaintBrush v5 bitmap (PCX) * Windows bitmap (BMP) * Windows audio/video file (AVI) þ Supports the following animation formats: * AutoDesk Animator 320x200 (FLI) * AutoDesk Animator Pro SVGA (FLC) * Windows audio/video file (AVI) * De Luxe Paint animated bitmap (ANM) * De Luxe Paint animation (ANM) * QuickTime Movie file (MOV) þ Supports Diet packed data file (DLZ) þ SPEED! It is faster than any other module extractor I know! þ Partial copy mode þ Custom header searching ø size of this formats is not calculated Ú Usage: ¿ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ FM-EXT You can use only one option at once! options: X Enables extended searching # Enables partial copy mode (No wildcards supported in this mode) ! Enables custom header searching The first parameter 'filename' can contain path AND wildcards. To scan the current directory enter this: FM-EXT *.* Ú Extended support: ¿ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ The option 'X' turns on and off extended support. This means that with support on the program also searches for 669s, FLIs, FLCs. Ú Partial copy mode: ¿ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ The partial copy mode is started when de second parameter begins with '#' this must be followed by a number, indicating the beginning position of the part that must be copied. This number can be decimal but also hexadecimal! A hexadecimal number requires a '$' and than the number (e.g. #$FF). The third parameter gives the ending position. The '#' sign isn't needed for this parameter. So if you want to copy from position $FF to 40030 you enter this: FM-EXT filename #$FF 40030 or FM-EXT filename #255 $9C5E or FM-EXT filename #255 40030 If you want to copy from a specific position to the end of file you can enter: FM-EXT filename #500 end Ú Custom header searching: ¿ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ The program will search for 1..80 chars behind the ! sign. You are notified if the header is found. You can then choose to save the file. The save-routine uses the optional offset parameter to seek -BACK-. For hexadecimal input, the first character must be $ sign (e.g. $F5). So when searching at 'MZ' (beginning of an .EXE-file) you enter: FM-EXT filename !MZ FM-EXT filename !MZ 15 (seeks 15 bytes back before saving) FM-EXT filename !MZ $F (seeks 15 bytes back before saving) Ú Stop scanning: ¿ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ If you press [Esc] the program returns to the operating system. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ !Warning! ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ The author of this program is not responsible for any damage to your demo's or other files. Ú Hints: ¿ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ 1. Use Fast Module Extractor on your existing module collection. Sometimes this will save diskspace because other module extractors don't calculate the length out of the module (FM-EXT does!) but copy until the end of the file is reached. 2. DON'T spread the extracted files but use them for personal purposes only. 3. First unpack the demo or intro by using UNPACK or X-OPEN. Ú History of Fast Module Extractor: ¿ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Version 1.0: First public release. Version 1.1: * Wildcard support added. * 669 support added. Version 1.2: * Fixed a bug in the detection of modules. * Fixed a bug in the MOD-calculation part (OOPS... the program read 30 instead of 31 samples). * Added 6 and 8 channel FastTracker module support. Version 1.3: * Added ScreamTracker 3.0 support Version 1.4: * Added switch for 669 support * Speeded up last-bytes save Version 1.5: * Added MTM support * Added GIF and LBM detection * Added 16 and 32 Channel Fast/TakeTracker support * Easier commandline usage! * Better interface Version 1.6: * Completely rearranged source code * Optimized code for speed, result: about 5 times faster! * Some cosmetic changes * Added LBM support * Added AMF support * Added BMP support * Added STM detection Version 1.7 * Fixed the problems with ReadOnly files Actually the ReadOnly attribute is first removed and then replaced * Commented the source a little bit * Better structured code now * Less keypresses are required! * Made an exitprocedure/scanning interrupt * Changed the Fast/TakeTracker searching. Now search for all number of channels (0..32 Channels are possible) * Added FAR support * Added STM extraction * Added JPG detection * Added MidiFile detection. * Partial Copy mode added, with support for Hex and Decimal numbers Version 1.7a * Fixed an error in the MTM detection (Thanks PoZoR!) Version 1.8 * Fixed the bug that causes runtime-error 100 in wildcard mode * Fixed a bug in the 669 calculation * Compiled with a new bugfixed/optimized TURBO.TPL (C) 1994 Norbert Ruffa (BPL70N15.ZIP) * Added ULT support * Speeded up scanning of small (<31kb) files * Added time and kb/sec calculation (On my computer I get 300 kb/s!) * Decreased false alerts by checking out the title for garbage * Added MIDI File extraction * Included the unit FMANAGE.PAS (C) Eyal Doron The program now warns you for overwriting files and you can enter only valid filenames Version 1.9 * Changed the colorscheme to the 'houze style' of TWC * Installed a funny font! (And found a HUGE bug in TP7/TURBO.TPL) * Added Easy Font Changer A program I wrote to do easy font viewing. It will not be supported, but maybe it's usefull for someone. Also added 4 fonts to test the program (You can ask me for more) * Removed the corrupted module extraction, because 99% of that corrupted modules aren't playable * Solved problems with MIDI Files * Corrected .LBM calculation * Added leading zero's for time calculation * Fixed a AMF detection bug * Added new STM header (SWavePro) * Added Custom Header Search * Added Windows Wave file detection * Reduced number of global variables and done some code enhancements * Removed interrupting key * Added detection of EXE-Compressors * All text is now written directly to the video-memory! (ASM) Displaying is now 75% faster! * Added cool soft-scrolling end! * Finally... faster saving * Added assembly code that replaces some CRT unit routines * Added AutoDesk .FLC .FLI support (Now you can see who create fake real-time animations!) * Rewritten the Search-Engine in assembly, searching is now even faster Version 1.9ê * I don't want to release this version as 2.0...so it's 1.9ê * Removed titlechecking, because some correct files fail on that check Sorry...Increased false alerts... * Fixed MAJOR bug in the Search-Engine * Added Custom Font Option Version 2.0 * Removed Custom Font Option...for ease of use, only the EXE is needed, and for smaller executable...Font is now compressed within the EXE * Rearranged the code, it's now even more structured! * Now uses the EnhancedDOS Unit (C)1994 by Andrew Eigus * Compiled with a new bugfixed/optimized TURBO.TPL (C) 1994 Norbert Ruffa (BPL70N16.ZIP) * Removed FMANAGE.* (Functions are included in the Enhanced DOS unit) * Dramatically decreased the number of false alerts, filesize checking now before the 'saving'. Sorry...scanning a little bit slower. * Added XM support * Added WAVE calculation and extraction * Added 'JN'-header for UNIS669 modules * Added DMF support * Added MDL support * Added PTM support * Added PAC support (SB Studio II) * Added 'interactive commandline'! (Thanks for that idea, Cubic Player guys) * Added a semi-professional-looking input-routine * Added automagicaly filenaming for extracted files * Added Custom-Save-function, including a parameter * Made size-checking more stable * Removed detection of EXE-compressors * Included MEMDUMP utility Version 2.1 - 01-01-1996 * Hmmm...found some interesting textfiles...;-) * Added .XMI support * Added .AIF support * Added .IFF support * Added .SBK support * Added .AU support * Added .MUS support * Added .HMP support * Added .ANM support * Added .AVI support * Added .PCX support (ssllooww...but usefull) * Added .VOC support * Added .UNI support * Added .AMS support * Added .SCX support * Added .CMF support * Added .GDM support * Added .PSM support * Added .DSM (RIFF) support * Added .MOV support * Coded very generic extractors for the IFF and RIFF formats * Added auto-save-mode * Searching for BMP now in standard mode * Fixed bug in progression-bar * Fixed bug in MOD-detection * Added support for Diet packed data file (DLZ); [found in Stars/NoooN] * Added size-checking for DMF-format * Fixed bug that causes FM-EXT to scan just extracted files * Added simple 'disk-full-check' * Removed time-checking and kb/s calculation * Upgraded MEMDUMP to version 0.2á * Added a lot of comments to the source-code * Optimized FastWrite-routine (40% faster) * Improved GIF- and JPG-extractor a little bit * Changed lay-out * Added resolution-information for BMP, GIF, PCX, SCX, LBM, JPG * Compiled with new EnhDOS unit v1.7 (C) 1995 Andrew Eigus * Added .MXM support * Added .FNK support * Added .RAD support * Added .SAT/SA2 support * Added .D00 support How to contact the author: Write a message to: Johan Prins at BaD NeWS [+31-(0)35-6837350] Johan Prins at Da Big Busy Bored [+31-(0)71-???????] E-Mail: jp@badnews.idn.nl jprins@knoware.nl <- prefered