ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ S3SRip ³ ³ (c) Tomas Lehuta 1994 ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Introduction ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ S3SRIP is a simple utility for fast ripping of S3S samples from S3M files. I was inspired to write this program by S3MRIP written by James Holderness. This utility works with every S3M module created with Scream Tracker 3.xx or other tracker that supports this format, so you can rip all the samples in the module. Usage ÄÄÄÄÄ S3SRIP filename where filename is the name of the S3M module from which you want to rip the samples. Nameing conventions ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ The extracted files are named in the following manner: The name of the S3M file is truncated to 6 characters. Then each sample is assigned a number consecutively (with a zero before it, if it's digit) which is appended to that name (the first sample gets the number '01', the second, the number '02', etc.). The S3M file may contain up to 99 samples. For example, if you are ripping from a module called EXAMPLE.S3M, which contained 3 samples, the files extracted would be named: EXAMPL01.S3S (the first sample), EXAMPL02.S3S (the second sample), and EXAMPL03.S3S (the third sample). Disclaimer ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Please note that this is not meant to be used for any illegal purposes. It was written so that people that want to make their own music modules and have no opportunities to make their own samples could get the samples they need from other modules. It may or may not be legal for you to distribute any samples you may have ripped from a module, so do not do so unless you have permission from the author(s). Technical notes ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ For you this program may seem unuseful when you may think that you can just load any module to a tracker that works with S3M files (for example, Scream Tracker 3.xx) and rip the samples there. Yes, you can do so, but it still has some advantages. It's faster to get the samples using S3SRIP and useful for example to build up sample libraries. What are S3M and S3S files ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ- S3M file is a music module format created by the PC group "Future Crew" which uses S3S unsigned raw samples with a header at the beginning. Also the Scream Tracker 3.xx mentioned above is made by them. S3S sample format is supported by Advanced DigiPlayer 3.0 written also by the members of "Future Crew". There are a lot of S3M modules written by the musicians of this group, for example in the following musicdisks: Journey1, Journey2, Chaotic Mind, and many others. Contacting me ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Don't know why anyone would want to do this, but I can be reached at the following address: InterNet: lehuta@elf.stuba.sk FidoNet: 2:422/32.20 Snailmail: Tomas Lehuta, Riazanska 28, 831 03 Bratislava, SLOVAKIA